Error message
Warning: Undefined array key "saved" in
Drupal\nd_visualshortcodes\Plugin\Shortcode\SavedShortcode->process() (line
26 of
Drupal\nd_visualshortcodes\Plugin\Shortcode\SavedShortcode->process(Array, '
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Drupal\shortcode\ShortcodeService->processTag(Array, Array) (Line: 315)
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[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" style=""]<strong>The Baker Electric team of highly trained medium voltage electricians has decades of experience in medium voltage system construction, maintenance, and repair.</strong> We service clients throughout <strong>Southern California</strong> and specialize in preventative maintenance, emergency response, medium voltage cable installation, medium voltage terminations, medium voltage connectors, and medium voltage equipment installation. <strong>Our team is trusted by a wide variety of clients from universities to industrial manufacturers to meet their medium voltage needs. </strong>[/html]
[nd_parallax content_align="c-content-left" bg_color="dark-2" fid="1380" different_values="0" style="" type="c-bg-parallax c-feature-bg c-arrow"]
[nd_title title="WHAT IS MEDIUM VOLTAGE?" underline="c-line-left c-theme-bg" label_align="c-left" bg_color="red" different_values="0" color="c-font-green"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" p_color="f-white" undefined="|{p|}Medium Voltage systems operate between 1,001V and 69,000V (69kV). In general these systems are used for medium range distribution around a campus or site such as a university or hospital and for heavy manufacturing. |{/p|}"]Medium Voltage systems operate between 1,001V and 69,000V (69kV). In general these systems are used for medium range distribution around a campus or site such as a university or hospital and for heavy manufacturing. [/html]
[nd_parallax content_align="c-content-right" bg_color="dark-2" fid="1380" different_values="0" style="" type="c-bg-parallax c-feature-bg c-arrow"]
[nd_title title="OUR TRAINING" underline="c-line-left c-theme-bg" label_align="c-left" bg_color="red" different_values="0" color="c-font-green"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" p_color="f-white" undefined="|{p|}Baker Electric's Medium Voltage Electricians complete a 5 year internal training that covers all aspects of medium voltage systems. This training prepares our team members to be the experts required to complete medium voltage work safely and with the highest quality. Training includes cable terminations and connectors, system architecture and plan review, Method of Procedure and shutdowns, system grounding, switching, manufacturer trainings and certification, and troubleshooting. At the end of each year program trainees take the are prepared for their national certification testing. After completing the training we have ongoing continuing education to keep our team up to date with the most current materials and methods, allowing us to continue to service our clients to the highest level. |{/p|}"]Baker Electric's Medium Voltage Electricians complete a 5 year internal training that covers all aspects of medium voltage systems. This training prepares our team members to be the experts required to complete medium voltage work safely and with the highest quality. Training includes cable terminations and connectors, system architecture and plan review, Method of Procedure and shutdowns, system grounding, switching, manufacturer trainings and certification, and troubleshooting. At the end of each year program trainees take the are prepared for their national certification testing. After completing the training we have ongoing continuing education to keep our team up to date with the most current materials and methods, allowing us to continue to service our clients to the highest level. [/html]
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[col desktop="6" different_values="0" style=""]
[nd_title title="We are here to help" description="One of our Electrical Engineers will be happy to connect with you shortly." label_align="c-left" different_values="0" style=""]
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[nd_title title="WHY BAKER?" color="c-font-white" underline="c-line-center c-theme-bg" label_align="c-center" bg_color="green" different_values="0" style="" icon_color="c-font-white"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" style=""]No matter the size of your enterprise, it’s important to understand vulnerable areas and implement preventative, proactive and best practices to mitigate losses. When assessing your needs, Baker focuses on safety, equipment and cybersecurity. [/html]
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[nd_feature_block icon="icon-rocket" bg_type="2" border="1" bg_color="white" different_values="0" check_image="0" type="type_9"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" undefined="|{h3|}|{strong|}|{span style='font-size: 36px; color: #ffffff;'|}EXPERIENCED|{/span|}|{/strong|}|{/h3|}|{p|}|{span style='font-size:20px;'|}With over 8 decades of electrical construction projects under our belts, our experienced team is well-equipped to successfully complete even the most difficult projects|{/span|}|{/p|}" p_color="f-white"]<strong>EXPERIENCED</strong>Touting 80+ years of electrical construction excellence, our team is well-equipped to successfully complete any project.[/html]
[nd_feature_block icon="icon-basket" bg_type="2" border="1" bg_color="white" different_values="0" check_image="0" type="type_9"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" 0="=" ""="" "="" 1="style='font-size:36px;color=" 2="style='font-size:20px;'|}Improve" 3="your" 4="electrical" 5="network" 6="reliability" 7="with" 8="ongoing" 9="analysis" 10="of" 11="chronic" 12="power" 13="quality" 14="conditions" 15="and" 16="unplanned" 17="downtime|{/span|}|{/p|}" 18="" p_color="f-white" undefined="|{h3|}|{span style='font-size:36px;color: #ffffff;'|}|{strong|}INNOVATIVE|{/strong|}|{/span|}|{/h3|}|{p|}|{span style='font-size:20px;'|}We operate on the bleeding edge of our industry, incorporating innovation and efficiencies into our approach and construction of every project|{/span|}|{/p|}"]<strong>INNOVATIVE</strong>We operate on the bleeding edge of our industry, incorporating innovation and efficiencies into our approach and construction of every project.[/html]
[nd_feature_block icon="icon-rocket" bg_type="2" border="1" bg_color="white" different_values="0" check_image="0" style="" type="type_9"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" undefined="|{h3|}|{strong|}|{span style='font-size: 36px;color: #ffffff;'|}RELIABLE|{/span|}|{/strong|}|{/h3|}|{p|}|{span style='font-size:20px;'|}Our longevity and wealth of engineering expertise allow us to successfully design, construct and service projects that most contractors shy away from|{/span|}|{/p|}" p_color="f-white" style=""]<strong>RELIABLE</strong>With a foundation of success built from 1938 to today, you can count on Baker to be there to design, construct and service your next project.[/html]
[nd_feature_block icon="icon-basket" bg_type="2" border="1" bg_color="white" different_values="0" check_image="0" type="type_9"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" undefined="|{h3|}|{span style='font-size:36px;color: #ffffff;'|}|{strong|}FULL-SERVICE|{/strong|}|{/span|}|{/h3|}|{p|}|{span style='font-size:20px;'|}We are proven in design-build, design-assist and installation projects from commercial and industrial to education and healthcare to name a few|{/span|}|{/p|}" p_color="f-white"]<strong>FULL-SERVICE</strong>We are proven in design-build, design-assist and installation projects from commercial and industrial to education and healthcare to name a few.[/html]
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[nd_title title="TESTIMONIALS" underline="c-line-center c-theme-bg" label_align="c-center" bg_color="green" different_values="0"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" undefined="|{p class='rtecenter'|}|{span style='font-size:18px;'|}We Love Our Customers|{/span|}|{/p|}"]We Love Our Customers[/html]
[nd_testimonials different_values="0" type="reviews"]
[nd_testimonial bg_type="c-option-default" different_values="0" name="Jim Floros" position="President & CEO The Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank" fid="435" text_align="center" style_padding_right="200" type="reviews"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" undefined="|{p|}Baker Electric was the right fit to install a 350-kilowatt 14-hundred panel solar system. By going solar we will save $120,000 each year reduce our electric bill by nearly 90 percent. This will allow us to provide an additional six hundred thousand meals to the community. I can't say enough good things about Baker Electric.|{/p|}" style=""]Baker Electric was the right fit to install a 350-kilowatt 14-hundred panel solar system. By going solar we will save $120,000 each year reduce our electric bill by nearly 90 percent. This will allow us to provide an additional six hundred thousand meals to the community. I can't say enough good things about Baker Electric.[/html]
[nd_testimonial bg_type="c-option-default" different_values="0" name="David Bubnash" position="General Manager, Morena Storage, Solana Beach Storage" fid="437" type="reviews"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" undefined="|{p|}We had the privilege to have Baker Electric install commercial solar systems at our San Diego and Solana Beach Locations. I say privilege because in both cases it was a fantastic experience. All in all, Baker is a solid company with a solid crew. Everything was extremely well coordinated and I highly recommend them.|{/p|}"]We had the privilege to have Baker Electric install commercial solar systems at our San Diego and Solana Beach Locations. I say privilege because in both cases it was a fantastic experience. All in all, Baker is a solid company with a solid crew. Everything was extremely well coordinated and I highly recommend them.[/html]
[nd_testimonial bg_type="c-option-default" different_values="0" name="Todd Roberts" position="President Marine Group Boatworks" fid="436" type="reviews"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" undefined="|{p|}After a nationwide search, we found Baker had the experience and did the best job of explaining the options. They worked closely with our structural engineering and steel contractor and added roof reinforcements designed to meet seismic requirements when the concern came up. Baker stayed on schedule, did a great job of communicating and even arranged the solar commissioning after-hours and on a weekend to help us avoid interruptions to our business operations.|{/p|}"]After a nationwide search, we found Baker had the experience and did the best job of explaining the options. They worked closely with our structural engineering and steel contractor and added roof reinforcements designed to meet seismic requirements when the concern came up. Baker stayed on schedule, did a great job of communicating and even arranged the solar commissioning after-hours and on a weekend to help us avoid interruptions to our business operations.[/html]
[nd_testimonial bg_type="c-option-default" different_values="0" name="Monique Davis" position="Executive Director El Sol Science & Arts Academy" fid="438" type="reviews"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" undefined="|{p|}As a charter school leader, I depend on reliable, responsive, and high-quality support from trusted advisors. I have found Baker Electric to fully meet and exceed those expectations. Their attention to detail and a wide range of knowledge on construction management and coordination was impressive. We found them to be approachable and invested, as they pursued our project with our best interest in mind and first. We were quite satisfied with the outcome.|{/p|}"]As a charter school leader, I depend on reliable, responsive, and high-quality support from trusted advisors. I have found Baker Electric to fully meet and exceed those expectations. Their attention to detail and a wide range of knowledge on construction management and coordination was impressive. We found them to be approachable and invested, as they pursued our project with our best interest in mind and first. We were quite satisfied with the outcome.[/html]
[nd_testimonial bg_type="c-option-default" different_values="0" name="Dan" position="" fid="272" type="reviews"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" undefined="|{p|}The whole experience with Baker has been excellent. The installation team was very professional and did a great job and left the site cleaner than when they arrived.|{/p|}"]The whole experience with Baker has been excellent. The installation team was very professional and did a great job and left the site cleaner than when they arrived.[/html]
[nd_testimonial name="Monique P" position="BBB" fid="273" bg_type="c-option-default" different_values="0" type="reviews"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" undefined="|{p|}Excellent communication throughout the project! Everyone was very professional and friendly! They made it very easy for us. Highly recommend Baker!|{/p|}"]Excellent communication throughout the project! Everyone was very professional and friendly! They made it very easy for us. Highly recommend Baker![/html]
', 'und', Object) (Line: 78)
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[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" style=""]<strong>The Baker Electric team of highly trained medium voltage electricians has decades of experience in medium voltage system construction, maintenance, and repair.</strong> We service clients throughout <strong>Southern California</strong> and specialize in preventative maintenance, emergency response, medium voltage cable installation, medium voltage terminations, medium voltage connectors, and medium voltage equipment installation. <strong>Our team is trusted by a wide variety of clients from universities to industrial manufacturers to meet their medium voltage needs. </strong>[/html]
[nd_parallax content_align="c-content-left" bg_color="dark-2" fid="1380" different_values="0" style="" type="c-bg-parallax c-feature-bg c-arrow"]
[nd_title title="WHAT IS MEDIUM VOLTAGE?" underline="c-line-left c-theme-bg" label_align="c-left" bg_color="red" different_values="0" color="c-font-green"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" p_color="f-white" undefined="|{p|}Medium Voltage systems operate between 1,001V and 69,000V (69kV). In general these systems are used for medium range distribution around a campus or site such as a university or hospital and for heavy manufacturing. |{/p|}"]Medium Voltage systems operate between 1,001V and 69,000V (69kV). In general these systems are used for medium range distribution around a campus or site such as a university or hospital and for heavy manufacturing. [/html]
[nd_parallax content_align="c-content-right" bg_color="dark-2" fid="1380" different_values="0" style="" type="c-bg-parallax c-feature-bg c-arrow"]
[nd_title title="OUR TRAINING" underline="c-line-left c-theme-bg" label_align="c-left" bg_color="red" different_values="0" color="c-font-green"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" p_color="f-white" undefined="|{p|}Baker Electric's Medium Voltage Electricians complete a 5 year internal training that covers all aspects of medium voltage systems. This training prepares our team members to be the experts required to complete medium voltage work safely and with the highest quality. Training includes cable terminations and connectors, system architecture and plan review, Method of Procedure and shutdowns, system grounding, switching, manufacturer trainings and certification, and troubleshooting. At the end of each year program trainees take the are prepared for their national certification testing. After completing the training we have ongoing continuing education to keep our team up to date with the most current materials and methods, allowing us to continue to service our clients to the highest level. |{/p|}"]Baker Electric's Medium Voltage Electricians complete a 5 year internal training that covers all aspects of medium voltage systems. This training prepares our team members to be the experts required to complete medium voltage work safely and with the highest quality. Training includes cable terminations and connectors, system architecture and plan review, Method of Procedure and shutdowns, system grounding, switching, manufacturer trainings and certification, and troubleshooting. At the end of each year program trainees take the are prepared for their national certification testing. After completing the training we have ongoing continuing education to keep our team up to date with the most current materials and methods, allowing us to continue to service our clients to the highest level. [/html]
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[nd_image fid="1379" target="0" different_values="0"]
[col desktop="6" different_values="0" style=""]
[nd_title title="We are here to help" description="One of our Electrical Engineers will be happy to connect with you shortly." label_align="c-left" different_values="0" style=""]
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[nd_title title="WHY BAKER?" color="c-font-white" underline="c-line-center c-theme-bg" label_align="c-center" bg_color="green" different_values="0" style="" icon_color="c-font-white"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" style=""]No matter the size of your enterprise, it’s important to understand vulnerable areas and implement preventative, proactive and best practices to mitigate losses. When assessing your needs, Baker focuses on safety, equipment and cybersecurity. [/html]
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[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" undefined="|{h3|}|{strong|}|{span style='font-size: 36px; color: #ffffff;'|}EXPERIENCED|{/span|}|{/strong|}|{/h3|}|{p|}|{span style='font-size:20px;'|}With over 8 decades of electrical construction projects under our belts, our experienced team is well-equipped to successfully complete even the most difficult projects|{/span|}|{/p|}" p_color="f-white"]<strong>EXPERIENCED</strong>Touting 80+ years of electrical construction excellence, our team is well-equipped to successfully complete any project.[/html]
[nd_feature_block icon="icon-basket" bg_type="2" border="1" bg_color="white" different_values="0" check_image="0" type="type_9"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" 0="=" ""="" "="" 1="style='font-size:36px;color=" 2="style='font-size:20px;'|}Improve" 3="your" 4="electrical" 5="network" 6="reliability" 7="with" 8="ongoing" 9="analysis" 10="of" 11="chronic" 12="power" 13="quality" 14="conditions" 15="and" 16="unplanned" 17="downtime|{/span|}|{/p|}" 18="" p_color="f-white" undefined="|{h3|}|{span style='font-size:36px;color: #ffffff;'|}|{strong|}INNOVATIVE|{/strong|}|{/span|}|{/h3|}|{p|}|{span style='font-size:20px;'|}We operate on the bleeding edge of our industry, incorporating innovation and efficiencies into our approach and construction of every project|{/span|}|{/p|}"]<strong>INNOVATIVE</strong>We operate on the bleeding edge of our industry, incorporating innovation and efficiencies into our approach and construction of every project.[/html]
[nd_feature_block icon="icon-rocket" bg_type="2" border="1" bg_color="white" different_values="0" check_image="0" style="" type="type_9"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" undefined="|{h3|}|{strong|}|{span style='font-size: 36px;color: #ffffff;'|}RELIABLE|{/span|}|{/strong|}|{/h3|}|{p|}|{span style='font-size:20px;'|}Our longevity and wealth of engineering expertise allow us to successfully design, construct and service projects that most contractors shy away from|{/span|}|{/p|}" p_color="f-white" style=""]<strong>RELIABLE</strong>With a foundation of success built from 1938 to today, you can count on Baker to be there to design, construct and service your next project.[/html]
[nd_feature_block icon="icon-basket" bg_type="2" border="1" bg_color="white" different_values="0" check_image="0" type="type_9"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" undefined="|{h3|}|{span style='font-size:36px;color: #ffffff;'|}|{strong|}FULL-SERVICE|{/strong|}|{/span|}|{/h3|}|{p|}|{span style='font-size:20px;'|}We are proven in design-build, design-assist and installation projects from commercial and industrial to education and healthcare to name a few|{/span|}|{/p|}" p_color="f-white"]<strong>FULL-SERVICE</strong>We are proven in design-build, design-assist and installation projects from commercial and industrial to education and healthcare to name a few.[/html]
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[nd_title title="TESTIMONIALS" underline="c-line-center c-theme-bg" label_align="c-center" bg_color="green" different_values="0"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" undefined="|{p class='rtecenter'|}|{span style='font-size:18px;'|}We Love Our Customers|{/span|}|{/p|}"]We Love Our Customers[/html]
[nd_testimonials different_values="0" type="reviews"]
[nd_testimonial bg_type="c-option-default" different_values="0" name="Jim Floros" position="President & CEO The Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank" fid="435" text_align="center" style_padding_right="200" type="reviews"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" undefined="|{p|}Baker Electric was the right fit to install a 350-kilowatt 14-hundred panel solar system. By going solar we will save $120,000 each year reduce our electric bill by nearly 90 percent. This will allow us to provide an additional six hundred thousand meals to the community. I can't say enough good things about Baker Electric.|{/p|}" style=""]Baker Electric was the right fit to install a 350-kilowatt 14-hundred panel solar system. By going solar we will save $120,000 each year reduce our electric bill by nearly 90 percent. This will allow us to provide an additional six hundred thousand meals to the community. I can't say enough good things about Baker Electric.[/html]
[nd_testimonial bg_type="c-option-default" different_values="0" name="David Bubnash" position="General Manager, Morena Storage, Solana Beach Storage" fid="437" type="reviews"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" undefined="|{p|}We had the privilege to have Baker Electric install commercial solar systems at our San Diego and Solana Beach Locations. I say privilege because in both cases it was a fantastic experience. All in all, Baker is a solid company with a solid crew. Everything was extremely well coordinated and I highly recommend them.|{/p|}"]We had the privilege to have Baker Electric install commercial solar systems at our San Diego and Solana Beach Locations. I say privilege because in both cases it was a fantastic experience. All in all, Baker is a solid company with a solid crew. Everything was extremely well coordinated and I highly recommend them.[/html]
[nd_testimonial bg_type="c-option-default" different_values="0" name="Todd Roberts" position="President Marine Group Boatworks" fid="436" type="reviews"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" undefined="|{p|}After a nationwide search, we found Baker had the experience and did the best job of explaining the options. They worked closely with our structural engineering and steel contractor and added roof reinforcements designed to meet seismic requirements when the concern came up. Baker stayed on schedule, did a great job of communicating and even arranged the solar commissioning after-hours and on a weekend to help us avoid interruptions to our business operations.|{/p|}"]After a nationwide search, we found Baker had the experience and did the best job of explaining the options. They worked closely with our structural engineering and steel contractor and added roof reinforcements designed to meet seismic requirements when the concern came up. Baker stayed on schedule, did a great job of communicating and even arranged the solar commissioning after-hours and on a weekend to help us avoid interruptions to our business operations.[/html]
[nd_testimonial bg_type="c-option-default" different_values="0" name="Monique Davis" position="Executive Director El Sol Science & Arts Academy" fid="438" type="reviews"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" undefined="|{p|}As a charter school leader, I depend on reliable, responsive, and high-quality support from trusted advisors. I have found Baker Electric to fully meet and exceed those expectations. Their attention to detail and a wide range of knowledge on construction management and coordination was impressive. We found them to be approachable and invested, as they pursued our project with our best interest in mind and first. We were quite satisfied with the outcome.|{/p|}"]As a charter school leader, I depend on reliable, responsive, and high-quality support from trusted advisors. I have found Baker Electric to fully meet and exceed those expectations. Their attention to detail and a wide range of knowledge on construction management and coordination was impressive. We found them to be approachable and invested, as they pursued our project with our best interest in mind and first. We were quite satisfied with the outcome.[/html]
[nd_testimonial bg_type="c-option-default" different_values="0" name="Dan" position="" fid="272" type="reviews"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" undefined="|{p|}The whole experience with Baker has been excellent. The installation team was very professional and did a great job and left the site cleaner than when they arrived.|{/p|}"]The whole experience with Baker has been excellent. The installation team was very professional and did a great job and left the site cleaner than when they arrived.[/html]
[nd_testimonial name="Monique P" position="BBB" fid="273" bg_type="c-option-default" different_values="0" type="reviews"]
[html format="ckeditor" different_values="0" undefined="|{p|}Excellent communication throughout the project! Everyone was very professional and friendly! They made it very easy for us. Highly recommend Baker!|{/p|}"]Excellent communication throughout the project! Everyone was very professional and friendly! They made it very easy for us. Highly recommend Baker![/html]
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