Furnishing and Installing of an emergency vehicle preemption systems to intersections with existing traffic signals.
- Location City of Redlands at 91 Various Locations
Furnishing and Installing of an emergency vehicle preemption systems to intersections with existing traffic signals.
Two phase project that includes a mixture of new construction, tenet improvement, and site improvements.
The project is located on the SR905 in Otay Mesa from Enrico Fermi Rd to Siempre Viva Rd. This project consists of new lights on a newly constructed bridge for Siempre Viva Rd near the Mexico border. It also consists of new decorative lighting panels on the outside of the bridge depicting an eagle head that is illuminated with uplights at night. The uplights are illuminated in red, white and green when entering Mexico and red, white and blue when entering the United States. The bridge lights have post top LED fixtures that illuminate the bridge.
The City of Los Angeles, Department of Transportation (LADOT), acting as the Lead City Agency for the City of Los Angeles (CITY) has undertaken the Reimagine Ventura Project - Phase 1. This project aims to install diagonal parking along Ventura Boulevard between Royer Avenue and Sale Avenue while seeking to minimize potential negative impacts on traffic flow, improve pedestrian amenities, and improve overall safety by making strides toward Vision Zero.
For this $1.2 million energy efficiency project within the Customs and Border Protection Facility, DHS turned to SDG&E and Baker Electric to move forward on an energy savings performance contract for four sites within the region. The project included upgrades to new interior and exterior LED lights and lighting controls. All LED fixtures replaced required T24 testing and commissioning as well.